- From any page on the Broad Universe website, select the gray head-and-shoulders icon in the upper right corner.
- Use your email and password to login. Once logged in, the icon will turn turquoise.
If you don’t know your current password, follow Password Reset directions below.
- Select the head-and-shoulders icon and if needed, login.
- Under your name, there are three menu choices: "View profile | Change password | Log out."
- Select Change password.
- Enter your current password.
- Enter your new password two times in the two fields as prompted.
- Save or Cancel, if you don’t want to change.
- Select the gray head-and-shoulders icon in the upper right corner.
- From the Log In page, just right of the black login button, select Forgot password.
- A link to reset your password will be emailed to you.

Welcome Packet:
New to Broad Universe or haven’t used the website in a while. Visit our Welcome Broads page.
Broad Only pages:
After signing in, you will have access to pages, forums, and events for only dues-paying Supporters. These are Broad Universe’s private spaces and they are confidential to Broad Universe. All Broads also are expected to abide by the Anti-Harassment and Bullying policy.
The following pages may be helpful: